Kamm Teapot Collection
Racine Museum of Art
University College Dublin
National Museum of Ireland
Sculpture in the Parklands
The Bresler Collection
Dublin Assay Office
Celestial Seasons Tea
Permanent Collection
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, USA
Sculpture in the Wild, Montana, USA
Racine Museum of Art, Wisconsin, USA
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
National Museum of Ireland
The Ulster Museum, Belfast
Espace Paul Ricard, Paris, France
Kamm Teapot Foundation, US
The Company of Goldsmiths of Dublin, Ireland
Celestrial Seasonings Teapot Collection, USA
Sculpture in the Parklands, Ireland
University College Dublin, Ireland
Governor's Palace, Liege, Beligium
President Nelson Mandela, South Africia
King Carl Gustas, Sweden
King Juan Carlos, Spain
President Bill Clinton, USA
President Mitterrand, France
The Imperial Family, Japan
Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
Irish Embassy, Japan
Jean Kennedy-Smith, USA
The Edge (U2), Ireland
Dublin Airport Authority, Ireland
European Coordination of Film Festivals, Belgium
Business to Arts, Ireland
Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Norway
AIB Ireland
University of Georgia, Columbus, USA
Papal Nunico, Ireland
Swiss Embassy, Paris, France
Stolichany Bank, Moscow, Russia
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland